Your baby's first year is quite possibly the most special one of all, yet it's the one that passes by the quickest. The changes they will go through in that first year will be the biggest milestones and the ones you'll want to be memorable. No other year will bring so many major milestones, and all of the 'firsts', such as the first smile, first giggle, lifting their head up and rolling over, sitting unaided, crawling, first words, possibly even first steps. It's not just milestones such as this, their appearance changes dramatically month to month and by their first baby, your tiny curled up newborn will look completely different, and it's then you'll realise it happened in the blink of an eye and it's at that moment you'll be so grateful that you captured these moments in time.

You will get THREE guaranteed photoshoots at the three most important times of your babies first year.

First, we'll do the newborn photoshoot when your little bundle is just a few weeks old.

Then we'll do a milestone photoshoot when they've learned to sit all by themselves.
Once your photography journey is over, you'll also receive a beautiful FREE wooden ladder of images, worth £700 to show off your favourite moments from each milestone. These are the perfect pieces of wall art as they're versatile to suit all homes. They can be hung on your wall or leant against furniture, either way it'll be a statement piece to remember this time.

From your newborn photoshoot, you can choose your favourite image from the gallery and at each session afterwards, we'll recreate the image using the same props to document how much your baby has changed from each photoshoot. You will then get these 3 images printed onto a wooden ladder to hang proudly on your wall to show the growth of your little one.

This first year journey watch me grow package is heavily discounted when you book all three sessions in advance, and also includes lots of extra memorable goodies.
Get £2497 worth of products for just £1500!!!
Receive the deluxe package from each session, worth £1797, and a luxury wooden image ladder, worth £700 for just £1500 when paying in advance, giving you a hefty discount of almost £1000.

Newborns are newborns for what seems like a second, and capturing the first magical moments of your baby's life is irreplaceable. You wait months for your little bundle of joy to arrive, so once they're here, treasure every moment.
Your baby will rapidly change every single day, which is why it's so important to capture them as they will change right before your eyes. That is why l love to capture all it is that makes them newborns, those wrinkles and rolls, eyelashes, fingers and toes, hair, nose, ears and squidgy lips, all the things you so easily forget as they grow.
After all, you replace the pram, you throw away the toys and you part with the clothes, but photographs are the one thing that will remain. So celebrate the birth of your baby with a memorable experience of your baby’s first professional photographs - You won't regret it.

Babies grow and change so quickly, not too long after they were that tiny bundle that their little features start to fill out into that mini person they're becoming. Your little bundle is suddenly growing into a beautiful baby, and changing right before your eyes, you are noticing they're not so newborn anymore yet they're still so sweet and small. The sitter session follows the enormous milestone of being able to sit unaided.
By the time they reach a couple of months their changes are even more evident and they really start to show their characters and personalities. They're starting to respond to you, smile, giggle and it's such an important milestone to show how quickly they are developing. They start to learn new things, pull new faces, and respond to silly noises and actions. They are starting to find fascination in the smallest things, which make for great photographs.
So what better way to capture this important milestone than a set of gorgeous images? When we think back, those beautiful details can become such a blur. So with professional photographs you'll always have that memory from that point in their lives.

The grande finale - the first birthday cake smash!! Celebrate your child turning one by capturing their first taste of cake on camera. It's such a fun and memorable way to mark your little ones first birthday. You'll get to watch them explore new tastes and textures, recording their personality with those cute and funny expressions that you'll love and treasure forever from this precious milestone.
Their first birthday is one you want to remember, it's the one with the most emotions, and it's such a special time for you as a family. A child will never remember their day, they won't remember a party, and they won't remember the gifts they received. But with a birthday shoot to mark the occasion, they'll have precious images to look back on to share that emotion with you.
It's something you can relive over and over for years to come.